Saturday 24 February 2018

(Nearly) Back To School

The New Year holidays are drawing to a close.  They have gone so quickly!  We had such a wonderful holiday, I can't quite believe we are back to school tomorrow.  It has, of course, been wonderful to see the cats again.  They have been all over us since our return.  I think they may have missed us, just a little bit.

The flight home was OK.  We left at 1am on Thursday morning, so we had the whole day to laze about by the pool at the hotel.  They very kindly let us keep our room until we left at 8pm.  I didn't sleep particularly well on the flights, and we didn't nap when we got home at about 2pm on Friday.  This meant that I slept for 15 hours straight on Friday night!

Last night,we went to the pub with our friends who looked after the cats, to watch the 6 Nations rugby.  Wales Vs Ireland started at 10pm.  England didn't start until 1am, and even Matt came home at half time to finish watching it on our TV.  I left after the first game.  It was a nice evening, catching up with our friends.  Today will be a lazy day, making the most of our last day of holidays before we go back to school tomorrow.  My staff training starts after school tomorrow, and I have the year 4 museum trip on Thursday, so should be a good week.

These photos were from the last day of term, when everyone dressed up in traditional Chinese dress to celebrate the New Year.  I'm slowly uploading holiday photos too, so keep your eye out for them.

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