Saturday 3 March 2018

Brunch and Grumpy Cats

The first week back after the holidays was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  My children actually remembered stuff!  It came as quite a shock really.  I was told many hilarious and exciting stories about the children's holidays, including one of my boys who got stung by a jellyfish and had to pee on his own hand!!  It was lovely to see my office ladies, and the weather is really starting to improve.  At home in England everyone has snow.  Everywhere I look there are snow photos.  Right now, I am sitting on my balcony doing some crochet.  Every window in the flat is thrown open and i've had a bit of a spring-tidy.  I am one of those people who is really affected by the weather, so i'm in a pretty good mood now.  I'm usually in an awful mood after a holiday, so it makes a nice change!

One thing that added to my good week was a trip with year 4 to the Shanghai History Museum.  On Monday, year 4 will be creating their own museum (they have been making artefacts for weeks), so we were at the museum to look at how things are displayed, and labelled.  It was only a half day trip, but I love a museum, so I was a very happy bunny.  There were some great exhibits on ancient coins, fabric and ceramics.  The only problem was that the other visitors were constantly trying to take photos of the kids.  About 10 people at any one time!

On Friday evening, I went to the pub with 2 ladies from my office for drinks, and Matt went to a different pub - both were very pleasant.  On Saturday, it was a friends birthday, so we went to a Mexican place that had free-flow margaritas. Yum!  The food was great - chorizo, followed by churros!  We had a great time, until I got home and have had quite an upset stomach since - The alcohol can sometimes be 'dirty' in Shanghai, or the ice used can be tap water.  Bottled beer I think next time we go there. :-(

I took this great photo of Sooty and Snowball yesterday.  Our food order came in big paper bags, and the cats just love them.  Sooty really looks like he is king of this bag!  Snowball had turfed him out moments later.  They are so cute!

The reason I can be sitting with all the windows open, and the balcony door open is that the cats are not here today.  It's very odd not having them in the house - I don't like it at all.  They are both getting the snip today. We took them to the vets for 10, and will pick them up around 4.  They are not going to be happy bunnies later on!!!  I'll post a cone-head picture next week.


  1. Great photos from the museum. Did people want to take the children's photos because they were European?

    1. I think so, but also the school uniform is quite unusual
