Sunday 11 March 2018

Cranium Night

It was a long week last week!  I don't know why, and nothing bad happened, it just seemed to drag on forever.  So when Friday arrived, we were ready to celebrate with Tequila Club, which is me and 2 friends who go to Pistolera, a Mexican restaurant every Friday for margaritas. Yum!

On Saturday night, we went over to our friends house for a game of Cranium, which my team won, and Matt's team lost! Haha!  The cards were quite confusing; there was a question on each side, and the answer was on the bottom of the opposite side.  So everyone kept reading the opposite side's clue instead of the answer and the consequences were quite amusing - like Matt trying to draw a picture of 'anatomy' when he should have been drawing 'Atlantis'!  Very amusing.

The rugby World Cup was on after we played, so we stayed to watch that and didn't end up getting home until after 3am!

Sunday was a nice day - beautiful weather - We took the cats to the vets in the morning, and they got the all clear, yay!  They were terrified though.  I could feel Snowball trembling through his carry case.  And Sooty clung to Matt as if his life depended on it.  Poor lovelies.

Matt played football in the afternoon, and I went to watch for a bit in the sunshine.  Then we went for a drink in the pub nearby.  We sat outside thinking it was warm, but the sun went down really fast and then we were so cold!  We headed home to feed the cats, then went to the shopping centre next door for a pizza and to watch Black Panther at the cinema.  It was really busy, and Chinese people can be quite rude by British cinema standards - so there was constant chatting, people on phones, etc.  Bit of a nightmare, but the film was good.  We have bought a pass that gets us in cheaply; we just won't be going Sunday evening again in a hurry!

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