Sunday 4 February 2018

A S(moggy) Week

My pun-tacular post titles are really amusing me at the moment - I know it's incredibly sad!

Look how fabulous my hyacinth is!  I didn't know what colour it would be when I got it.  If given the choice I would go for blue, since they smell divine.  This one smells lovely too, but only if it is right under your nose.  Still, isn't is beautiful.

It's been a bit of an odd week - the pollution has been awful - in the 200s, which is purple on the scale (blue, green, orange, red, purple).  Everyone has had headaches, and anyone who wears contact lenses has had to just wear their glasses because it makes your eyes sore.  We have been petitioning for our classrooms to get air purifiers, and we finally got them on Thursday.  We don't have them in any of the corridors either, so it's not great.  I complained to our compound that the gym didn't have purifiers, and when I went to the gym this morning, there was a brand new one in there!  Other people must have complained too.  Due to the air being so bad, the kids haven't been able to go outside all week.  Yes, that's break and lunch inside for 5 days!  Anyone who has worked in a school before will know that even one break or lunch inside makes the kids a bit nuts.  A week of being stuck inside, and they were absolutely feral by Friday.  The factories are all working overtime at the moment because they are about to close down for 2 weeks for Lunar New Year.  The entire country closes down.  We will be off on our holibobs to Sri Lanka. Can't wait!  Just 5 more work get ups!

Matt has had a very busy week - he was meant to have IB options evening last week, but due to the snow closures it was on Monday instead.  He didn't get home until 10pm!  Then, he had parents evening on Thursday, so a seriously busy week for him.  So he had a bit of a blowout on Saturday...

We went for brunch at a place called Funkadeli, with some lovely people.  It was really good fun.  The free flow prosecco went down very well.

Matt then went out to the pub to watch some of the 6 nations rugby in the evening.  The match didn't start until 9pm our time, so he didn't get home until about 1 am.  I meanwhile, was not very well at all.  I was fine at brunch, but something disagreed with me, and I was quite unwell from about 10pm. :-(  I seem to be OK today, so far.

Today, we kept it fairly quiet. I went to the gym for a gentle work out, then we met some friends and their two cute boys for a coffee and donut in the Life Hub, which is the shopping centre next to where we live.  We went to this fabulous shop, called the Green Party, which sells anything and everything, including some great cat-themed stationary.  Our friends also have a cat, so it went down well.

These are some of the Lunar New Year decorations in the shopping centre. It will be the year of the dog, so lots of Dog themed things everywhere.  (currently the year of the Rooster).

So, a bit of an odd week.  We're now just counting down to Saturday.  Next week should be fairly stress-free at school.  We have a school Lunar New Year party on Wednesday evening, which sounds like a very unique experience!


  1. You're obviously a chip off the old block, laughing at your own jokes! Hope you are feeling better. It seems cats are like children buy them a present and they enjoy the empty box more! 😁

  2. P.S.the hyacinth is a gorgeous colour. Xx
