Wednesday 14 February 2018

Day 3 - Tree House

Today, we had the same fabulous breakfast as yesterday. Full, and happy, we went for a last wander along the fortifications, before picking up our bags and meeting our very friendly driver. People here are so nice! We had a 3 hour drive to our homestay, which turned out to be in the muddle of nowhere overlooking a beautiful lake. Our car couldn't make it over the bridge so we had to walk the last few hundred meters, dragging our heavy bags. We passed a school and a couple of kids from various houses came out to wave and say hi. We must have looked rediculous! When we arrived, it was a cinder block square building where a lovely family live, and 2 tree houses, with a third being built. There were 2 Italian men there too, booked into the same tree house, but luckily we had booked first, so they were sent across the lake to a different homestay. The tree house was simple, and open to all of the bugs getting in! The bathroom had a hole in the ground with part of the tree coning up through the floor. There was WiFi and electricity though. The front porch overlooked the lake, which was fabulous.

The little boy who lives there showed us a turtle. We gathered around and waited for it to pop its head out. There are beautiful birds on the lake too. Its peaceful, but the birds, especially peacocks make an absolute racket!

The only problem is that there is no food. The family brought us tea and bananas, but we decided to get a tuk tuk to the town for supplies for dinner. Our driver took us to a restaurant where we had a delicious chicken curry, then we stocked up on snacks for dinner. It gets dark quite early here, so we were flighting off bugs around our lights from 6.30. We needed an early night anyway because its a 4.20 pick up for safari tomorrow. Excited!

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