Thursday 8 February 2018

Lunar New Year!

Wednesday night was our staff Lunar New Year party, and what a party.  Wowzers.  Not done that on a Wednesday night for many-a-year.  Needless to say, today was quite hard work for lots of people.

It was great seeing all of the cleaners, bus monitors, and guards out at a social event. The food was fabulous, and there were 150 raffle prizes!  I won 100 yuan (£10) and Matt won a pull up exercise bar that you attach to a door frame.  The best prizes are rigged for the local hire staff, which I think is fair enough really. Our friends won a footstool shaped like a highland cow - pretty jealous of that one to be honest.

There was entertainment too - people dancing as 'migets' - apparently that's OK in China, acrobats, singers, drummers, our pal Vicky did some Kung Fu (seriously cool).  It was a great group we were with, and we had a fabulous time.  We left at 9.30, but lots were there until 12 or later!  There were some very green faces at work today. Haha!

Tomorrow we have a dress up day in Chinese fashion, so i'll post some photos then, but for now, 'Happy Year of the Dog!'

1 comment:

  1. I know that the tent boppers are dogs but I'm sorry they seriously look like yellow ducks to me!
