Monday 19 February 2018

Day 8 - Sri Lankan Breakfast

Day 8

Today, we ventured into town again, after an enormous traditional sri Lankan breakfast, of 4 different

types of curry and a sort of rice noodle thing. Yum. We were so full, we didn't need to eat again until dinner.

In town we had a wander about and stocked up on water and snacks. Then we went to Pier 88 a lovely restaurant on the waterfront with a view of a huge Buddha on the opposite bank. We each had a refreshing milkshake, then made our way via tuk tuk to see the Buddha. It is still being built, but a lovely man took us up to have a look, and we met the chief Buddhist monk who will be in charge once its finished.

After an afternoon by the pool, we headed back into town to the same restaurant for dinner. We both had burgers, which were OK. It was just nice to have a change of scenery.

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