Friday 16 February 2018

Day 6 - ... and Relax

Day 6

Today, we were lazy, plain and simple. We started off with a lovely breakfast of eggs, bacon and sausage (you have to order the Sri Lankan breakfast in advance and we didn't know- tomorrow though, yum!). This was followed by s couple of hours relaxing by the beautiful pool. We popped into the town for a look around the few touristy shops and to try (and fail) to buy me some bite cream, the one thing I forgot to pack. I'm always eaten alive on holiday by bugs! We ended up sharing a small chicken pizza for lunch, before heading back to the tranquility of the hotel. Matt went for a massage and I had a swim. Very relaxing.

We had stocked up on snacks and booze in town, and were sitting on our porch enjoying s quiet beverage, when there was a loud slap on the ground right next to me. Our ceiling outside is covered in geckos and one had fallen off. He seemed fine! I am now quite paranoid about one landing on my head!

Dinner was delicious again. Matt had a lamb spicy curry and I had a cashew and veg curry. With a couple if cocktails of course.

1 comment:

  1. A gecko hat sounds funny! Love the idea of cashew and veg curry.
