Wednesday 21 February 2018

Day 10 - Sunset

Day 10

The usual lazy morning today, lounging by the pool, and stroking the cute hotel dogs. Breakfast was superb again. Matt had a fry up and I had pancakes. We were given extra, as I think the concierge likes us!

The lazy morning continued into a lazy afternoon. At about 5.30, we headed off to the beach to walk along it and watch the spectacular sunset. We found a beach bar where we watched the last of the suns rays sink below the horizen with an arack cocktail each. I now know that its made from coconuts, and is not nice neat at all!

We had dinner in the same hotel, which had covered everything in fairy lights. Even the trees lining the short walk from the beach to the restaurant. Very pretty. We had a delicious dinner of prawn cocktail, I had seer fish and chips and Matt had a burger. Matt had chocolate mousse for dessert too. Yum! Then a short tuk tuk ride back to our hotel and bed.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds wonderful. And I can tell you are nice and relaxed!
