Tuesday 9 July 2019

Summer Holidays

Here are a selection of photos to sum up the last week since we returned from Ireland. 

I had my appointment with the MS specialist, who seems interested in what's going on with me, so is making a plan of action.  So far, a specialist has looked at my MRI brain scans, and decided that I need another one that is slightly better quality than my Chinese one.

I photographed the beautiful wedding of two friends that I work with in China; Lucy and David.  I took so many photos, and am still working my way through, so you'll see some in the near future once i'm finished editing.

Matt bought me a gigantic zoom lens for our safari in South Africa, which we leave for in less than an hour! So excited!!!  I practiced taking some photos while in the New Forest, but the photos are too big to put on the blog at the moment, and I seem to be running out of photo space.  I'll work on it when we get back from holiday.

Mum and Dad picked me up at Nanny's after I stayed at Jackie's the night of the wedding.  I was absolutely exhausted from 12 hours of photographing everyone having fun in the 30 degree sunshine!  It was so hot.  It was great to see Nanny and have a good catch up in her lovely flowery garden.  

  I spent 5 lovely days in Hampshire with Mum and Dad.  Matt came for a few days with his Mum too, which was lovely.  We had relaxing sunny days in the garden, wandering around Christchurch and crafting to the smell of a BBQ.  We walked along the beach and had lots of coffee and cake in the sunshine.

I came back to London on Saturday morning for Louise's Hen Party at the very nice Hilton Syon Park for afternoon tea.  It was lovely to see her and Charlee and all of Lou's friends from University, who I have known on and off for 10 years!

I then headed on to Matt's parents for his family BBQ.  Our friends from Newcastle (who came out to Shanghai recently) also came down for the weekend to see us which was fabulous.  It was great to catch up with all of the Harris family.

Sunday was spent with our dear friends Sean and Markus, who we know from our time working in Germany.  We went for lunch at a fabulous London pub that does delicious Thai food, and then spent the afternoon in Regents park at a free concert, eating ice cream and sunbathing in sun loungers.  The music was great. It was a big orchestra playing Disney songs and classic rock and pop. Perfect.

Monday was another trip to the MS specialist, and then afternoon tea at the Cat Emporium, which is a cat cafe in London.  It was so much fun playing with the cats, but made me miss our fluffies so much! Can't wait to see them in a couple of weeks.

So, that's the low down of the last week.  Busy!  And now we're off to Heathrow for our Business Class flight to South Africa, and the safari holiday of a life time.  I'm so excited!!!

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