Monday 15 July 2019

Day 7 - Maputo

The capital city of Mozambique has a very cool vibe to it. It's got hectic cars, buses, markets and street vendors, but goes about it's business with a very chilled and relaxed attitude. An interesting mix!

We started our only full day here with a delicious breakfast at the hotel. Lots of fresh fruit and pastries and juices. Really tasty. We were then picked up by our lovely guide Cariço at 10, and we headed off for a whistle stop, yet surprisingly chilled tour of the city.

We started by driving along the coast and looking at the enormous suspension bridge, which connects two parts of Maputo. Then it was on to the 19th century fort built by the Portuguese, which had a small museum with the remains of Ngungunhane the final ruler of the kingdom of Gaza. His wooden coffin was beautifully carved and was originally just to commemorate him, but his remains were later moved inside.

Next, we drove to the fabulous train station. It is dark green and has Avery colonial feel to it's architecture. It was designed my Mr Eiffel of Eiffel tower fame. It was used in the filming of Blood Diamond, as the hotel where Leonardo di Caprio stays. It had some old steam engines on display and photos of the top 10 most beautiful train stations in the world. This  was number 3. Gare due nord in Paris  was number 1 and st Pancreas was 2!

We had a quick look at the outside of city Hall and the catholic cathedral, but couldn't go in. Its having work done on it for the Pope's visit on September.

We went into the municipal market for a look at the fruit and veg and hair extensions on display, then went on to the art and craft market, where we bought a big batik 'painting' of a lion in multicolour. It's gorgeous!

We drove past lots of embassy's in very grand buildings in the expensive part of the city, and lots of Portuguese style buildings too. There was even a slave trading building, long since abandoned due to the ghosts that inhabit it. It was crumbling, but still had beautiful Portuguese style tiles around the doors and windows.

We then went to the local fish market, where you buy fresh fish, then take it to the restaurant next door and they cook it for you! We got huge barracuda steaks for us and our guide and ate them grilled with rice, salad and chilli! It was so delicious! We were sat right on the beach too. The weather was lovely today. Hot, but not sweaty. Perfect!

We even saw the prime ministers car and escorts on the drive back to the hotel!

We had a rest and read for a couple of hours, before heading out to the same restaurant as yesterday, Sagres, this time for passion fruit sangria, chicken and chips for Matt, a chicken salad for me, ice cream and a Kahlua whisky milkshake type of thing that was delicious! We move onto our proper beach destination tomorrow, but are so far impressed with how friendly Mozambique is!


  1. I like the sound of the fish restaurant! And the city sounds interesting too.

  2. Was very nice to meet you guys, very lovely people. Thank you for the day I hope you come back.👍🏾
