Saturday 1 September 2018

RENT the Musical

It's been a busy week as usual at school.  The children seem to be settled in pretty much by now. I can't believe we are starting week 4 tomorrow already. Time flies!

I went out for dinner on Saturday night with some girl friends, which was lovely. We then went to see RENT the musical, which I hated.  I think, had I been super drunk, or perhaps on some sort of hallucinogenic, I may have enjoyed it more.  We all spent the first half, with not a clue what was going on.  The second half was slightly better.  The singing and dancing were wonderful, but the story line was terrible! Definitely won't be seeing that one again.

Before that, I went out to a tiny farmers market in Puxi, on the other side of the river, and for brunch with Becky and Vicky, which was lovely.  A very busy Saturday for me.  Matt spent a rare Saturday at home on his own, and very much enjoyed himself.

He bought me some lovely flowers...

Matt is now out playing cricket. I've just taken Sooty to the vets for his second lot of injections.  His cold has lasted for 2 weeks, which is too long, so Matt took him to the vets yesterday. He had to have 3 injections, 3 today and another 3 tomorrow. At £90 this is the most expensive cold anyone has ever had!!!  Here he is feeling sorry for himself at the vets...

Poor snuffly fur baby. He seems to be feeling better already, which is great.

1 comment:

  1. Poor fur baby! I hope snowball is ok? So I won't put rent the musical on my to do list!
