Monday 10 September 2018

Brunch and Cricket

It was an interesting week last week.  On Tuesday evening after work I met up with a friend from College who I haven't seen in nearly 10 years! He now works as a flight attendant and was in Shanghai for 3 days.  It was wonderful to see him and we caught up like we had seen each other last week.  It was so nice to reconnect with an old friend.  We went to the bar that Matt and I had our birthday party in, and then to a dumpling place for some yummy dumplings and beef noodle soup. Yum!

It was on Wednesday that I started feeling unwell.  A few kids in my year 3 class had sore throats and I managed to catch it. Several teachers are now off sick.  I was off on Thursday and Friday with such a sore throat that I couldn't even think.  I began to feel better by Saturday though.

On Sunday, I was at the Westin Hotel's posh brunch to take some photos for their advertising campaign.  The deal was that I take photos for them, and they give away a photoshoot with me as one of their prizes at the brunch.  I enjoyed myself, although there was quite a lot of waiting around for the various entertainment to start.

Matt played cricket on Sunday in the final and they won! Yay!  Here he is, with Snowball flaunting his medal.  :-D

We went to the cinema in the evening to see Mission Impossible: Fallout (silly, but fun), and as soon as I sat down was when my second cold started. So I sniffed my way through the movie! Feeling slightly better today after being back at work though. It was a bit of an odd week I must say!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to catch up with old friends. And well done Matt and his team!
