Sunday 23 September 2018

Photography Exhibition, Snickers and Jing'an Temple

It's amazing how the promise of a long weekend makes the week before a bit easier to get through!  The week whizzed by, not least because the wonderful Becky is back covering Ellie for 2 weeks while our maternity cover Una waits for her work VISA to get sorted.  Becky is my best pal here, so it's great having her at the next desk along again.  It was her birthday on Saturday, so on Friday we had cupcakes shaped like dogs (see below) to celebrate.  Andy got her a surprise trip to Xi'An to see the terracotta warriors, so Matt and I are dog sitting for a few days.  Snickers is just so cute!  We've taken him for walks, and sat with him to keep him company. He is very easy to look after, but it has made me realise how much more work dogs are than cats!  Cats are easy peasy!

It's a bank holiday weekend, hence why I am posting at 2pm on a Monday instead of in a year 4 lesson!  I just love a long weekend!

On Friday after school, it was the picnic in the park work social.  It didn't start until 4.30pm so Ann and I went to Tequila Club for a margarita while we waited.  We met Matt there afterwards, and got some baby cuddles with a very grumpy Tizzy - apparently babies hate both of us!

On Saturday morning we headed off to a photography exhibition that we had got free tickets for from school. Some of the photography was wonderful. My favourites are below.  Some of it was utter rubbish, and Matt spent most of his time claiming that he could do a better job, and that 'African tree' his favourite photo from Swaziland would have been better than every photo there!  I must admit that some of it just didn't sing to me - I guess that's the whole point of art though isn't it!

The exhibition centre is a very cool building, and I enjoyed the architecture more than some of the photos!

Sunday was a lazy day, catching up on sleep and cat (and dog) cuddles.  We went out for lunch to the Flying Fox, our local Irish pub, then just watched Only Fools and Horses for the afternoon.

Today, we went to Jing'an Temple.  We walked past it on Saturday, but decided we didn't have enough time to go in before Matt's hospital appointment (he's hurt his forearm).  We decided to go today instead, and because it's a bank holiday it was free entry, instead of £5 each.  I love it when that happens!

The temple is pretty cool because it's all decked out in gold, with some great gold lions, dragons and elephants all over it.  We have been told that the temple seems very commercial normally, and a bit of a tourist trap, but because of the bank holiday it was packed with worshipers, and it was fascinating to watch locals praying and to see the monks going about their daily business.

It's been a lovely long weekend, and only 4 days until Cambodia!!!

1 comment:

  1. We enjoyed that temple very much. Cats are lovely but dogs do give better cuddles!
