Tuesday 28 August 2018

Bowling and Old School

It was a tough 'first' (technically it was week 2) week back at school.  It's always tiring starting the new year off, getting to know the new children and classes and waiting for teachers to get their planning done.  Let's just say that i'm glad last week is over.  It's only Monday and already i'm having a much better week!

This week the poor kitty cats both have a cold.  They are sneezing all over the place, and while Snowball seems to be OK now, poor Sooty is feeling especially sorry for himself.  He has been extra cuddly and sleepy.  We think that he is on the mend now, so we won't have to take him to the vets.  This is great, since the vets was where they picked up the sniffles in the first place!

At the weekend it was a friends birthday, so we went bowling, which I haven't done in years. It was really fun, and I scored my first ever strike! Whooo!  We then went to the Boxing Cat Brewery for dinner after, which included a delicious slice of peanut butter and chocolate cheesecake. Yum!

A friend posted the below photo on Facebook last week and it got me thinking about how long ago this was, and how I am now teaching children just one year older than this!  Scary!  Can you spot me in the photo?

A couple of weeks ago, I persuaded Matt to do a photoshoot in the local park for some photos to go on my website. Here is my favourite...

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are getting back into the swing of things again. You were very cute then, of course you are very cute now! Lovely photo of Matt. Xx
