Sunday 5 August 2018

Matt Turns 30!

Last weekend, after getting back from Hong Kong, we went to the Westin for brunch, which as always was completely fabulous.  I felt the best i've ever felt coming out of brunch since I could only have one drink, so that's probably a good thing!

I met my contact there, who is going to give away some photo shoots as prizes, in return for some photos of the brunch in the next couple of weeks, so that was good too.

Matt got a cake because we were there near his birthday!

On Tuesday, Matt had to go into work for a meeting, so I met up with some lovely ladies for brunch over the river.  It was so nice to have a catch up.  I much prefer Shanghai when friends are around.  It can get a bit lonely during the summer holidays.

Matt's parents went off to Hangzhou for a couple of nights, and Matt and I didn't do much but slob about, making the most of our last few days of the holidays.

Matt's birthday was on Friday. We went for brunch at Wagas, down the road, and he opened his presents.  I got him a bottle of 30 year old whisky!

Unfortunately, he then had to go into work for the afternoon for a long meeting, which was pretty rubbish, but we made it up to him in the evening with a birthday dinner at Sechuan Citizen, a delicious Chinese restaurant, which does cocktails called Basil Drops, which are literally the most delicious things on the planet!

I also made cake pops, which were a bit of a disaster, but in the end didn't look too bad, and tasted nice.  They were meant to be a trial run for making 70 for our birthday party this saturday but i'm not convinced...

And here he is, now 30 years old!!! So cute

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you've been having fun! I think the cake pops look good! Such a cute cuddly baby and look what he grew into.....a cute, cuddly man!
