Monday 20 August 2018

First Week Back at School

Last year people in my school joked that 'Dulwich time' moves faster than normal time, and I politely laughed along.  Now, suddenly it's the start of my second year here and the first year seemed to whiz by at lightening pace.  'Dulwich time' is to blame.  We must have some sort of black hole going on over the school.

The first week back was a bit of a struggle for me.  For some reason, i've been absolutely fine and experienced no drug side effects since the seizures started 2 months ago.  On my first day back at school, all of those side effects seemed to hit me in full force.  I've had a nightmare of a week, made even worse by one of the cats *cough* Sooty *cough* eating some wool and vomiting in the middle of the night on Thursday.  I had to spend Thursday morning, not in class like I was suppose to be, but at the vets, with both cats (not knowing which had been sick) having them X-rayed.  They kept them both in over night just to make sure the wool hadn't wrapped around anything important in their stomachs.  It was, of course Sooty - I knew that before we took them there! Poor Snowball had to suffer the vets for no reason.  Anyway, they are both fine and home, and are all over us being cuddly and meowing in a cute way.  It's hard to hold a grudge against something so cute.

Matt played cricket at the weekend, and came home very merry on Saturday.  I had brunch with Becky, which was lovely.  We spent the rest of the weekend just recovering from the first week back.  The kids were only in for 2 days, but we were both exhausted!  I was looking forward to today much more than last week because my classes started properly today. i'm much better off when i'm busy and have kids to look after.  My classes all seem very nice (ish) and i'm happy with my timetable.

Anyway, here are a few more photos from the party last weekend, and a couple of Snowball being cute.

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