Tuesday 2 April 2019

Medical March Madness

This Sunday was the third (and hopefully final) Sunday in a row that we have spent in hospital.  This time it was for Matt's broken wrist, or to be precise, his 'dorsal radial chip fracture'.  Dorsal just makes me think of dolphins, so it's his dolphin fracture now.  He fell over playing football.

That's 3 out of 4 weekends in March, forever now known as 'Medical March Madness'.  How much bad luck can two people have!!!

Anyway, things seem to have improved going into April.  Snowball and Sooty are cute as ever, and we're having a nice relaxing week off school for the Easter holidays.  We've just been out for breakfast a few times and for dinner at Found 158, a very cool area of restaurants in Puxi.  We went for Turkish, yum!

We're also cat-sitting for some friends for 3 adorable fluffies, which is fun.  We've had dinner/drinks with Andy and Becky a few times, and we're generally relaxing, while also fitting in various hospital appointments.  Feeling much more positive about everything now, but I think we still want a second and probably third opinion for my MS diagnosis.  Something just doesn't seem to add up there.

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