Sunday 7 April 2019

Easter Holidays

It's been a really nice week off work.  I'm so glad we didn't go away anywhere (for the first time since moving to China).  It was actually great just to be at home with the kitties, enjoying relaxing and binge-watching Game of Thrones before the new season starts.  We had the usual hospital appointments - for Matt getting his hard cast put on his broken wrist - and a couple of mornings out eating breakfast.  We had lunch at a Californian restaurant with Andy, Becky and Vicky, and I discovered the joys of RuPaul's Drag Race, an American TV show which is basically a modeling competition for drag queens.  It's amazing.

We were also cat-sitting this week for three lovely kitties called Frankie, Richie and Maude.  They are very sweet, and also really tiny compared to our Sooty and Snowball.  They really are enormous cats.  Maude is especially friendly and loves a cuddle.  She is a stray, rescued by our friends about 5 weeks ago.  If we didn't have our boys already, she would be coming to live with us!

Matt went to the pub a few times, and I went to the Hongqiao Flower Market with Ann one day.  It's fabulous, and was absolutely full of succulents.  I couldn't resist buying a couple of pots, especially a huge pink one that is just gorgeous.  Ann and I then went for lunch at a burger place called Fat Cow!

Our lovely friends Andy and Lucy and baby George arrived from Newcastle yesterday, very early in the morning.  Matt wasn't feeling well, but we did manage to get out in the 29 degrees heat for a walk to the Indian restaurant buffet nearby.  We then forced our poor friends to stay awake for as long as possible - which was until about 6.30pm (pretty good considering they arrived at 6am).

We are back at work today for an INSET day (after a general check up at the hospital - which was good).  The kids are back in tomorrow.  It will be nice to see them after nearly two weeks away - one for the holidays and one for being ill!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness I'm in love with those pots of succulents!
