Saturday 20 April 2019

Shanghai Grand Prix Formula 1 - 1000th Race!

I took 600 photos last weekend at the 1000th ever grand prix, and 300 were of blank track!  This happened last year too. It took me a good half of the race to 'warm up' before I started getting just the front wing or an unintentionally blurry car.  I got the hang of it eventually though and started getting some really good shots.  The last photo I got was a perfect one of car 44 - Lewis Hamilton, right in the centre of the frame.  Wonderful!

The race itself wasn't particularly exciting, but we still enjoyed ourselves.  We had good seats, opposite the end of the pit lane and the Torro Rosso garage.  It meant that we had a great view of the start of the race and of the first corner of the track.

It was pretty chilly on the day, but we kept warm in our jumpers and with hot food and the boys had beer.

We've had our friends from England staying with us for the last two weeks, with their 10 month old baby,  George.  It's been great having them here, but also quite tiring.The baby has been awake pretty much every night with jetlag and then teething, so work has been exhausting every day.  We've now got a weekend to ourselves and are making the most of it by doing nothing at all.

My new camera arrived, and it's fabulous!

Here we are at the Cheesecake Factory after Andy, Lucy and George had spent the day at Disney.

1 comment:

  1. You have taken some great photos. F1 must have been exciting when Lewis won the race, even if the actual race was pretty standard? Love those pics of George!
