Wednesday 27 March 2019

A Hospital Visit... Or Two!

Where to even begin with this nightmare of a week...

It started last Saturday, with me getting home from the gym to a zillion missed calls from two friends.  Turns out, Matt was walking off the cricket pitch during half time, and the other team were throwing a ball around, and one managed to clonk Matt on the back of the head with the cricket ball = concussion = another doctors surgery ticked off our list in our very own version of 'Shanghai Hospital Monopoly'!  We really seem to spend a ridiculous amount of time in hospitals here.

Anyway, more than a week later, and Matt is absolutely fine.  He was off school the following day, and didn't loose his 'hangover' until Thursday, but he is fine and well now.

Then, this Sunday (why is it always a Sunday???), was my turn.  I had another seizure, and ended up in my usual hospital over night.  I actually recovered much quicker than previously, which is good.  I have now been officially diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, but what that means for my future, i'm not quite sure yet.  We thought that it had been ruled out from the spinal fluid tests last time, but apparently there is no decisive test to confirm MS. Based on the multiple lesions (or sclerosis) on my brain, and the seizures, there is now no other possible explanation according to my doctors.  The reason I had another seizure was because I had reduced my medication since Christmas to 'see what happened' on the advice of an epilepsy specialist.  That obviously hasn't gone very well, so now i'm back up to 15 pills per day again, which is much more than I was on last week, but less that I was in the summer.  I'm back on a low-ish dose of steroids, which should be low enough not to give me any nasty side effects again.

It's been difficult receiving the diagnosis, but we remain strong and positive.  I'm not going to let this stop me from living my life, or building my business or let it change me in any way at all.  Matt has been wonderful, as always in supporting me, and we continue to grow stronger together.  I'm going back to work tomorrow just for the morning, just to prove I can really.  I have recovered much quicker this time, and just want to get back to normal as quick as possible.  I'd rather go in and face everyone being nice to me (which I hate) now, rather than wait until after half term next week.  So a positive outlook all around really.

... on Saturday, I made a cat fort to keep the kitties entertained, since all they do is sleep all day!  They seem to quite like it...

The usual hospital selfies...

Matt and I went for a wander yesterday to get some fresh air and spring sunshine. We ended up having lunch at Wagas across the road. Yum!

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