Saturday 26 January 2019

Sechuan Citizen

Sechuan Citizen is our favourite restaurant in Shanghai, and one we had been looking forward to going to all week.  We went on Friday with Andy and Becky and ordered all the same food we usually order, including a few Basil  Drop cocktails, which are super delicious!  

Unfortunately, I woke up on Saturday with a terrible cold, so I am currently home alone with the kitties, while Matt is at an engagement party that we were invited to a few weeks ago.  How can you be completely fine one evening and then wake up at 3am the following morning feeling like your throat is closing and being not able to breathe through your nose???  It's only a cold, but I am feeling more than a little sorry for myself.  I am meant to be out for lunch tomorrow, but i'm not sure i'll be up for that either to be honest. :-( Still the kitkats are keeping me company, which is always nice, and I have Netflix and honey and lemon, so i'm sure i'll survive.

The week was busy, but nothing out of the ordinary.  We only have one more week until the Lunar New Year holidays start and we're off to Vietnam. We can't wait! I was looking back through the photos from our trip 9 years ago and am even more excited now! We look so young in the photos.  9 years sure does go fast.  We aren't going to be backpackers this time, so it will be interesting to see what we get out of the trip this time around.  It will likely be a completely different experience.  It will be interesting to see how much the country has changed in the past decade!

1 comment:

  1. Poor you! Wrap up and keep taking the honey and lemon. Xx
