Sunday 3 February 2019

Happy Lunar New Year!

A very happy lunar new year to you.  We say goodbye to the year of the dog and hello to the year of the pig!  The year of the pig will be starting off very well for Matt and I, as we are off to Vietnam this evening, hence why I am posting on a Friday.

This week has been a strange one.  I was off sick on Monday; not really a surprise after my cold/flu-like whatever-I-had over the weekend.  I literally spent 3 days solid in bed, being sat on by the fluffy kitty cats (the only nice bit about the weekend).  

Matt said his week has gone by really slowly - he had parents evening, the LNY party, a leaving party last night, and two sets of football training with his team of students - one of which started at 6.30am!

The new year party was on Wednesday evening.  It was good fun.  We were on a table with all of my office ladies, which is always amusing.  The food was... interesting, and so was the entertainment!  It was a competition, so we had various things, including a girl from my office singing (she was great).  The KS1 teachers did a dance in the dark, with glow sticks on their outfits, which was very cool.  And some JS teachers that we are friends with did Will Smith's 'Gettin' jiggy with it' but dressed as the 3 pigs and the big bad wolf, singing 'getting piggy with it'.  Very amusing.  There is always a huge raffle - 190 prizes were given out.  We didn't win anything!  Lots of the prizes were shampoo and fabric softener though!  Apparently, its because it sets your year off with good luck to win something, and it doesn't matter what that something is!  Ann won a huge dehumidifier and Lika won a mop. Haha!

Thursday was Lorna and Bernie's farewell party.  They have been at the school for 12 years, and Matt is very good friends with Bernie, so we're sad to see them go.  I went to the party for a bit, but went home for dinner and to pack for the holiday.  Matt ended up getting home at 10, after he had gone to the party when parents evening finished at 6.  So he's tired today!

The feeling in school is a bit like just before Christmas, which I guess it is for most of the Chinese students.  There is a party atmosphere and we are playing games in class instead of doing work.  We even had a mini office party at break time today, all dressed in our traditional Chinese clothes.

Two weeks of sunshine, here we come!

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