Saturday 23 February 2019

Circus Party

The first week back at school after a holiday are always killer.  This week was no different for us, especially when we started the week with a meeting until 5pm for me and parents evening until 7pm for Matt.  On Monday! The first day back! Harsh!  We had miserable rain for the entire week, and as soon as the weekend hit, so did the sunshine... and the pollution.  Winter in Shanghai isn't particularly pleasant weather. Still, the weather should start getting nicer soon.

We bought the cats collars this week. They now look like someone owns them, so if they escape (Snowball) then hopefully someone will take them in.  We're getting tags made for them too, and soon they will be microchipped.

On Saturday, we went to a circus themed birthday party for our friend's 40th.  I went as a unicorn and Matt went as a human cannonball.  The party was at our other friends house. Their kids had spent weeks making decorations, so the entire house looked like a circus tent. It was very impressive.  I had some facepaint in the shape of a rainbow, which I absolutely loved and didn't want to take off.  The night gradually became a campfire sing-along (without the campfire), with a friend playing the guitar and us belting out classics at the top of our lungs.  There were even party games in the basement, which we won, having cheated quite blatantly!  It was a fun night.  Matt watched the rugby until 3am when we got home, but wasn't very pleased with the results!

Another busy week ahead of us.  I'm on the year 4 museum trip on Tuesday, and then my friend from England, Amy is here on business, so we're going for dinner on Friday and out sightseeing on Saturday.  Looking forward to it. I just hope the pollution clears up! 


  1. Looks like you had fun! The kitties collars look good. I take it they didn't protest at wearing them?

    1. they did for a while, and they are slightly too long, so I keep catching them chewing the end. When I get them again (I bet it won't take long for them to get destroyed) i'll get shorter ones.
