Friday 18 January 2019

Pussy Cats

Last week, I promised some photos of the beautiful Siberian Tigers from the Tiger safari park in Harbin once I had got them off my camera, and here they are.  Such gorgeous creatures!  The top kitty is having a drink by licking the ice!

My camera isn't working well since the trip so tomorrow Matt and I will go to my 'camera lady' to see if she can fix it.  I'm not too worried, but will definitely feel better once it's fixed.  I'll try not to get my phone stolen this time! (this was the place it was stolen last January!).

The rest of my week has been busy.  I came up with an idea at work to teach the students some first aid, and the head and deputy head are super enthusiastic about it, so now it seems i'm going to be running a junior school-wide first aid program!  Exciting, but I also feel massively under-qualified.  It all stems from me thinking that the kids should know what to do if something happens to a teacher or another student - mostly me!  Will the students know what to do if I have a seizure?  Probably not.  Hence the training.  If something good can come out of this awful mess, then I count that as a positive!

The above photo pleases me so much.  It's not the best in terms of angles, lighting or colour, but it just makes the tiger look exactly like Sooty or Snowball when they are snuggled up and fluffy.  A cat is a cat, no matter it's size!

My one good shot on my DSLR camera of the snow sculptures!

Matt has had a busy week too, coming home late-ish after various meetings and being on the interview panel for new jobs.  He went for a boys night last night with his best friend here and a friend who is leaving in a couple of weeks, so I had the evening to myself to do my cross stitch and cuddle the cats!

1 comment:

  1. Those kitties are so gorgeous. Good luck with your first aid!
