Sunday 25 November 2018


Being English, Thanksgiving is not something we celebrate at all.  One thing I really love about living internationally, and having friends from all over the world, is getting to know the customs and celebrations that mean so much to other people. And slowly, they start to mean things to us too.  This is our second year of celebrating thanksgiving, and we did it at The Cook, a lovely restaurant that puts on a spectacular thanksgiving buffet.  Our best friends here are American, and it is their favourite holiday of the year, so we all make a real effort to make it a special day.  

We have so much to be thankful for this year - wonderful friends and family, good jobs, and most importantly our health, something I think we have taken for granted up until now.  I feel like I actually look like myself again in these photos; not thin and pale, not chubby faced from all the steroids. Just me, having fun.

Our group teamed up with the year 5 teachers who also happened to be going to this restaurant for a team dinner on the same night.  This photo really sums up our group. Year 5 are in the background having a serious discussion about school... and we're pretending to be walruses with chopsticks! I know which group i'd rather be in!

This week generally has been really good. I've made another booking for a family photo session - yay!  That's two now from the Christmas fair. So pleased.

Thanksgiving was on Thursday, and on Friday I went to Pistoleras for dinner with Amy who was in my office but left at the end of this year to move to Saudi. It was lovely to see her, but strange not to be drinking with her - I think it's the first time we've ever been out for dinner and not had alcohol.  I must be growing up!  On the same night, Matt was at a Korean BBQ restaurant in Puxi with all the heads of subject for their end of term meal. He had a nice time, especially as it was paid for by school!

We've had very quiet weekend, which is nice since it's going to be very busy from now on. Yesterday, we went to the gym, went to the market to buy veg and generally just lazed about. Today was the same, except the pollution was what forced us to stay in. Now we're both relaxed and ready for a busy week ahead.  Today, we also put up some Christmas decorations. I'm not sure how long the tree will last. The cats have knocked it over at least 10 times already and it's starting to get annoying!

Only 3 more weeks of school until Christmas holidays! Whooo!

Look at Snowball eyeing up the tinsel! And Sooty is guardian of the tree!

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see you looking so well and having fun! Your decorations look lovely but those kitties will probably wreck the place once you are at work! LOL. 🐈
