Sunday 18 November 2018

Christmas Fair

It has been a busy week preparing for the winter fair at the school around the corner from my school.  Most evenings have been taken up with preparing things for the fair, so not much time to anything else.

The market was yesterday and it went well.  I had to be at the school at 6.30am though!!! Very early, considering the fair didn't start until 10am!  VIP shopping started at 8.30, but there weren't many people there.  Actually, the entire day was fairly quiet compared to what I remembered from being there as a visitor last year.  I was in the second gym, which definitely had less people than the main gym, but that's just the luck of the draw.  I had lots of people coming to talk to me, and managed to make one booking, which paid for the stall, so it was definitely worth it.  It's my first booking where I have no connection to the client, so i'm making progress.   I have a couple of people on WeChat who look likely to book later on next week, so keep your fingers crossed!

Lots of friends came to see me too, which was nice.  I was absolutely exhausted at 4pm when the fair finished. at 3.45 a parent of a child I teach came to chat to me, so I ended up having a bit of a parent-teacher conference, so tired I almost felt drunk!

On Thursday, I managed to get out for the evening to DTL, which is a furniture store. They put on food and get everyone drunk so they buy really expensive furniture. It was good fun!

A busy week next week, with testing starting for all my students.  Only 4 weeks until the end of term, then we are pretty much half way through the year - it's going so quick!

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