Sunday 11 November 2018

Basketball and Photoshoots

Well, I can finally say that it's been a quick week - very unusual!

We were off on Monday and Tuesday due to the Chinese President being in Shanghai for an expo.  On Monday, I took some photos for my friends with their baby girl Tizzy.  I love how the photos have come out and so do they. Helen has been showing everyone at school and i've already had an enquiry about doing a family shoot for someone else - an actual paid one! Yay!

I got paid in BBQs for Mondays one, which was fine by me, since I offered to take the photos in the first place.  They were worth it if I get some referrals. I just enjoyed taking the photos anyway!

On Tuesday, we were still off, but Matt had a doctors appointment for his arm, which was fine except for it being a bit painful. He was basically being poked by needles for half an hour. I would have been awful if it was me, but he's a brave thing, so was fine! We went to Al's Diner for breakfast after and that seemed to help!

On Wednesday, it was the only day with the kids at school, so it was a bit of an odd one.  Thursday, I had a couple of parent meetings, and spent the rest of the day writing reports for my 17 students - a long and boring process - at least they are all done now!

On Friday, we had training, which was interesting, and involved getting up and making wallys of ourselves, which made it more fun!

Yesterday, we went to see the American College basketball with Andy and Becky - it was Cal Vs Yale, and Yale won. It was good fun actually.  The fast pace meant I didn't get bored like in the baseball.  Some of the players are so tall!

Today, we've had a snuggly day with the kitties. Matt's currently roasting a pork joint and has been for the last 4 hours. It smells amazing!  We're getting our Christmas on by watching a christmas movie this evening! Yay!

1 comment:

  1. The photos are lovely! And the basket ball looked fun too.
