Sunday 2 December 2018

Christmas Spirit!

Christmas really hit us this week!  We started the week with an office birthday, which was lovely, and meant cake. Yay!

Matt completed Movember (where you grow just a mustache for the month of November to raise money and awareness for men's health).  The mustache has finally gone. It just kept reminding me of Grandad! haha!

Friday was our work Christmas party, which was really good fun.  I had the first beer in 3 months and really enjoyed it!!!  The staff band played and there was lots of dancing and general merriment.  The party was in an old theatre, so the venue is super cool. I believe it's now used for Chinese burlesque shows!  My office ladies are just the best, and they really know how to make you laugh until you cry!

Saturday was our winter fair at school.  We both had the first shift - I was on a bouncy castle and Matt on a surfboard/bouncy castle thing.  Matt's broke within half an hour, so he went off to find food, while I was on the bouncy castle duty with a lovely year 6 teacher.  The parent organisers of the fair were getting seriously stressed about the bouncy castle situation because it was a bit of a free for all, when they were suppose to pay £1.50 per child for 10 minutes.  Difficult to police 4 entrances with only 2 people, and very difficult to check who has been on for 10 minutes when there are about 40 kids on this enormous thing. Still, we had a laugh, and didn't let it stress us at all.

We had a wander around the fair, buying a few Christmas presents. I saw the lady who had the next door stall to me at the Concordia fair, so stopped for a chat.  It was lovely and festive.  Oh, and 20 degrees! I was doing bouncy castle duty in jeans and a t-shirt!!! The weather here is so odd at the moment. Next Saturday it's meant to snow, and we have rain all week. The pollution has also been absolutely awful this week, so the kids have been stuck inside all day.

Today was also super festive, but you'll have to pop over to my crafty blog to see what i've been up to.

Only 2 weeks to go now!!!


  1. Your Christmas party looked fun. Well done Matt on the moustache! And I hope lots of money was raised for the school. Xx

  2. They raised over 800 pounds!
