Monday 10 December 2018

Christmas Market and Cheesecake Factory

Here are some Christmas fluffies for your enjoyment!  Snowball loved his so much, he was purring away.  Sooty's face says it all really.  Not a happy camper!

well, my week started off with some rather exciting news.  The photo below is going to be featured in the Christmas edition of Amateur Photographer of the Year magazine.  (it comes out on the 18th December - go buy it!).  It means that my photo came in the top 30 of the travel category for Amateur Photographer of the Year.  Pretty exciting stuff.  I'm thrilled.

 The rest of the week was nice and Christmassy.  It was the busiest week at school - I think a last surge before a very quiet week next week for my department.  Our transition classes get cancelled in the last week, so that's 2 out of 3 of the classes I teach cancelled.  And my other class I will only see once.  I still have in class support, but that's only 2 lessons a day, so pretty quiet. Gives me a chance to catch up on some things.

On Friday night, we went to the German brewery Christmas market, which was lovely, but very very cold and wet.  It went from 20 degrees t-shirt weather the weekend before, to 2 degrees and torrential rain. We were freezing!  Good practice for our trip to Harbin where it will be minus 20 in January.  Still, it was fun and Christmassy, and as always the company was great.

On Saturday, I did nothing at all, which was just what I wanted to do!  Matt played in the Dulwich football tournament, and they won all 4 games, which made them the champions. The Dulwich netball team also won.  In the evening it was the 12 pubs of Puxi, a Christmas themed pub crawl.  Matt went to about 5 of the pubs before giving up, when things started getting a bit silly.  A pub crawl isn't really my thing, so I stayed at home and watched Christmas movies instead.

On Sunday, we went to the Cheesecake factory with our friends.  The food there is so delicious and it's in Disney town, so it's just magical and wonderful. There was even a little Disney christmas market and ice skating - so cute!  Matt and I shared a buffalo sauce chicken burger, the usual mac 'n' cheese balls and peanut butter cheesecake. delicious!

Unfortunately, when I got home I was very unwell - having picked up a winter vomiting bug from somewhere.  I was sick throughout the night, and off from work yesterday.  I'm still not 100% better, and people keep telling me that I look pale, but i'm getting there.  Hopefully, that's my winter illness done and dusted for the year!

1 comment:

  1. Well done Matt and his ream! Disney looks fun and hope you are back to full fitness before you get on that plane to come home!
