Monday 27 November 2017

Christmas Gluhwein Party

This week was all kinds of busy.  I was off sick on Wednesday with a horrible cold (more like the flu), and have only just started feeling like myself again.  On top of that, we had two big social occasions.  Thursday night was Thanksgiving; not a big deal to us, but a very big deal to our American friends, who we are quite close with.  There were 8 of us in the end who went to a lovely restaurant called the Cook, where they had a huge buffet, including a delicious roast turkey, with all the trimmings, as well as seafood, curry and a dessert counter to die for.  Pumpkin pie is my new favorite thing! 

It was a lovely evening, that felt like it should have been a Friday, so actual Friday was a bit of a struggle.  We made it through, and then it was straight home to get ready for our Christmas Festive Gluhwein Party, which had been months in the planning.  We had 30 people in our tiny flat in the end!  The party was a huge success.  People started coming over from 4.30pm, and our last guests left at nearly 11pm.  Everyone loved the real German gluhwein I had found, and the paper cups with a black and a white cat on them for the drinks to go in!  Matt made a delicious chilli for everyone, and we had nibbles too.  Our American friends made an amazing pumpkin pie, and our Singaporean friend got a cake from a Singapore bakery called Awfully Chocolate, which was a chocolate and banana gateaux.  Amazing!  It really was such good fun.  I was also glad when it was over, because it meant I could relax and recover from my cold!  

My only plans on Saturday were brunch with my friend in a little cafe near where we live.  Matt didn't do much on Saturday, as he was starting to feel like he may have caught my cold.
On Sunday, we went out to the market to buy some Christmas presents, and managed to get pretty much everything we needed, which was fab.  Matt got measured for a tailor made suit and we had a nice afternoon.  In the evening, we went out to dinner at a British pub (burger and coleslaw - yum), and to the cinema to see the new Justice League (superhero) movie.  We used to go to the cinema all the time in England, so it was nice.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you've had a busy, busy week! Great photos and well done on finishing your Christmas shopping.
