Sunday 5 November 2017

Halloween, Jinmao Tower and Girls Weekend

Here are our lovely halloween cats, posing with pumpkins.  Take special note of the photo of the witches hat.  Look carefully and you will see little white legs under it!  They are so funny!  We went to a little Halloween party where we live for a couple of beers with friends.  They had a raffle at the end, where we won mouth wash and 'luxurious' cotton buds.  Everyone was a winner, but it was still funny.  Shame we didn't win first prize of a rice cooker.  Second prize was a Kindle.  That just shows people's priorities in China. 

Halloween day was the rescheduled sports day for Junior School.  I worked the whole day - year 3/4 in the morning and year 5/6 in the afternoon.  8-4.30 with a 30 minute rushed lunch in the middle.  I was standing up all day doing the discus, and it was hard work!  I was exhausted after.  Luckily the sun came out and some people even got sun burnt.  We had all expected it to be freezing, because it's quite cold in the mornings now, so I had my thermals on, then it turned into 25 degree heat!  The weather is crazy at the moment. We went from air con to heating and back again this week in school.

On Friday night, 6 of us went up the Jinmao Tower, one of the skyscrapers and the 12th tallest building in the world.  We had a great evening, and there was even a magician who came around to entertain us.  I really want to hire him for something. He was incredible!  Our friend was desperate for him not to come over 'I hate magicians' and so on.  He was clapping and laughing by the end of the first trick!

Last night, Matt had a night to himself with the kitties, and I went back into the skyscraper district to stay in the fabulous IFC Residence with 7 other girls from work.  The rooms were amazing.  We had 2, 2 bed suites, which were like apartments. The above photo was our stunning view of the bund from our window.  We had a fab weekend, making use of the gorgeous swimming pool.  We went out for a huge lunch, so just ordered some sharing plates from room service for dinner and ate it in our dressing gowns!  We did get dressed up later and go for a drink in a posh restaurant called Morton's.

This morning, we had brunch that we had brought with us - fruit, yogurt, croissants, etc, and I got home at about 2pm, just as Matt was setting off to play football.  It was such a fun weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Those kitties are hilarious! Looks like the night away in a nice hotel was fun.
