Sunday 19 November 2017

Christmas is coming!

This week was the first time that I felt in the Christmas spirit!  The weather has turned nice and chilly, and the school Christmas fairs are starting.

On Friday night, I went to the pub for a couple of Margaritas.  Matt came too, but stayed a while longer than me with a friend to have a catch up.

On Saturday, Matt had a football tournament with his year 8 girls team, at another school in Shanghai.  His girls did well, and Matt enjoyed himself.  While Matt had an early morning, I had a bit of a lie in and then went to the Concordia Christmas fair (the school opposite ours). The school is enormous (10 form entry!) and they had some lovely stalls.  I managed to get a few gifts, and soak up the Christmas atmosphere.  I even put up a few of our own Christmas decorations when I got home - just a few baubles hanging from the light fittings - so the cats cant destroy them - they do keep looking at them swaying though.  So funny.

On Saturday evening, we went over to our friends house for dinner, with another couple.  We had such a nice evening.  It's such a shame that two of them are leaving at the end of this year.  Matt made friends with their young boy, who drew a picture of them together - Matt with his hideous Movember mustache! (growing a mustache during November to raise money and awareness of men's health.)  The mustache basically reminds me of my Grandad in the 90s! Haha!

Matt went to the pub at 11 to watch the rugby with the host of the dinner party, who happens to be Australian.  England beat Australia in the rugby! He didn't get home until 2.30am, but i'd only got in at 2.15, after spending an hour cuddling a stray cat and trying to talk myself down from taking him home.  My two would not have enjoyed that!  I'd like to see if I can find him a home though - he was such a cuddly, friendly boy.

Today, we went for brunch to a place called the Bull and Claw. It was delicious. I had bubble and squeak with a poached egg on top, followed by cookies (amazingly yum!) and ovaltine milk.  It was a surprise for a friend who started at the same time as us.

1 comment:

  1. Matts tash is quite impressive (compared to our gym instructors who's tash looks like a little bit of fluff on his top lip). Those kitties are such handsome boys, but glad you didn't bring another one home, it would really have put their noses out of joint!
