Sunday 3 December 2017

A Chistmassy Weekend

What a lovely weekend we have had.  Finally, the Movember moustache has gone (thank goodness)!  Matt's Movember team raised about £200 for charity, which is fantastic.

Today and yesterday, we were dog sitting for our friends.  Snickers is such a cute little thing.  Here he is going for his walk...

This is Sooty in a bag - his favourite thing in the world is a paper bag.

Friday night was our staff Christmas party, which was really good fun.  It was at a theatre, which is usually a burlesque club.  The food was awful! Carb city - the choice was chips, mash potato, plain pasta or rice. Yum, or not.  We had a lovely evening though, and I won 300 $MB (about £30) in the raffle for the local food takeaway website.

On Saturday it was our schools Winter Fair - a risky thing the day after the Christmas party!  I didn't have to work it because i'm a TA, but Matt had to do an hour on the bouncy castle.  I met him at the end of his duty for a wander around.  Our friend was about to start his duty, so we offered to take his two lovely little boys for an hour.  We ended up having so much fun with them.  Christmas school fairs are better with kids, because you get to do all of the kids game!  We had popcorn and cookies and won prizes and generally had a blast!  The boys now call Matt, Uncle Matt! haha!  Our fair was lovely actually, so Christmassy!  We've won something on the raffle, but they wouldn't tell us our prize over the phone so we will find out tomorrow - there were some incredible prizes on the list so fingers crossed for us that it's one of the big ones!  We've had such good luck this weekend!  Two raffles in two days.

We went to the local bar/restaurant for a thank you drink for looking after the kids, and ended up having dinner there.  It was a lovely evening to top off a lovely afternoon.  One of the boys had got a ink stamp as a prize and Matt managed to convince him to cover himself in this green stamp and go around saying 'Hulk Smash' to all the tables. It was so funny.  His parents are now trying to hire us as baby sitters.

Today, we had a lazy morning after walking and feeding Snickers.  Then this afternoon we went to the German Christmas market, which was at a German brewery called Paulaner.  It was lovely, but made me a bit homesick for Germany, especially at this time of year when all of our friends are sending photos of them at the markets.  It was really authentic looking, and we even got Gluhwein in Christmas mugs.  It was lovely being there with our new friends, and sharing our knowledge of what was authentic and what was wrong!

So, a very social weekend, but a really good fun one.  We have a nice group of friends here, and we are very lucky.

Oh, this is Snowball the parrot...

1 comment:

  1. Matt that's an impressive tash you had growing under your nose! And well done for raising so much money! Those little boys look lovely little munchkins I'm glad you had fun with them and at the German market!
