Sunday 7 May 2017

Football and Coursework

It's been quite a tiring week, as it always is for some reason when it's a bank holiday.  The actual working week is shorter, yes, but you end up cramming 5 days of work into 4, hence the feeling tired.  We had Monday off, and had a lazy morning, before heading to Websters brewery in Duisburg for some kegel (traditional bowling) and schnitzel (yum!).  It was a nice afternoon of chit chat and we were home by 8.

The working week was good, and busy as usual.  I covered several Art lessons for various people who were off, which was quite nice.  Matt and I went into town on Wednesday morning to have our blood type tests for our China medicals.  We had been told that it would be very expensive, so had ummed and erred about what to do, but decided to just go for it.  Turns out it was 21 euros each.  Not exactly what I would call expensive!  Still, it means that we have now done everything for our VISAs, finally!  It's such a weigh off of our minds.  It's really quite a stressful process.  Matt has sent his information off for his VISA for the week after next too, when he will go to China for a week to look at the school and meet everyone. Very exciting.

I have my own exciting project going on at the moment - I bought a website for my photography business, and am currently in the process of making it look fabulous so that I can launch it.  So, watch this space...

Yesterday, I got through my list of chores to do, went to the gym, worked on my website, and ploughed through some of my TEFL course.  Matt went to watch Duisburg play football. They drew 1-1, equalizing in the last minute.  He still hasn't seen them lose.  His football friends consider him a good luck charm!  Here he is with Lee and Markus in the pub after.  He stayed out with some other football friends and didn't get home until 1am!

Today, we are having a lazy day.  I was going to go to the gym again, but i'm sore from yoga on Friday.  A work friend is currently training to become a yoga instructor, and decided to run a beginners class on Fridays after school.  I've never done yoga before, but thought i'd give it a go, and I really enjoyed it. It was hard work, but no more than I had expected.  I really am so inflexible, but hopefully that will change the more I do.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got your blood done! It's all getting very exciting!
