Sunday 30 April 2017


This is a lovely photo of Matt and his brother/pal from Uni/pal from school in Germany who all went to the Joshua Vs Klitschko boxing match on Saturday in London.  Apparently the fight was incredible. It is certainly all over the news.  They had a fantastic time.  They do seem to have seats about 3 miles away from the boxing ring though...

I had the weekend to myself, and i've certainly made the most of it, having a proper spring clean (even doing the windows, which involved some serious spider-conquering).  I've done some work on my TEFL course, been to the gym and been into Dusseldorf to do the 60minute challenge.  It's an escape room, where you get 60 minutes to try to get out of the room.  We did one for Matt's birthday in August, and this was similar in that it was another 'jail break'.  We had to wear blindfolds going into the room, and were then locked into 2 jail cells (3 in one, 2 in the other).  We were in the republic of Tonga and had just been put on death row!  There were various clues leading to padlocks/keys/screwdriver bits etc.  We had to get the guard to leave by making our fire alarm go off by spraying it with deodorant, and phone for our last meal (with smuggled in keys).  There was a window in our cell, with a man with a flashlight standing on the street.  The flashes gave us a combination.  We had to pass things back and forth between the cells, and eventually got out into the guards office.  Here we had to find a password to log into the computer and print various things out.  There was a place where we had to put a chair with various things from the desk on it, which created the shadow of numbers on the wall.  The numbers opened a safe, and so on.  We got out.  Just.  We managed it in 59 minutes and 50 seconds.  We literally had 10 seconds to spare!!!  It was really good fun, and you get a proper adrenaline buzz.  We recuperated afterwards at a veggie restaurant where you pay for a plate, and fill it up with as much as you like.  It was delicious.

Now, i'm just at home, drinking tea from my fabulous mug that I bought at Chichen Itza, and waiting for Matt to get home, which should be at about 9-9.30.  Then, joy of all joys, it's a bank holiday tomorrow!!!  I do love the summer term at school; there are so many bank holidays in Germany!  We're going to a local brewery called Websters for dinner and kegel (traditional bowling) tomorrow, so that will be good fun.

The week at school was quite hard work, even though it was an INSET on Monday, so there were no kids in school.  It's always hard getting back into a routine when you've been out of it for 3 weeks.  I did feel ready to go back though, and to get stuck into our last term in Germany.

Friday was a good day, because I went into year 6 to talk to them about Archaeology, which I love doing (any excuse to talk about it!).  The 3 classes were doing a carousel of lessons, so each teacher taught the same thing 3 times.  This particular teacher was teaching about how the objects we find and where we find them can tell us about history (their topic is Ancient China).  So I went in and had a chat with them about how you would actually find objects on a dig and what their position in relation to other objects can tell us.  The first one I did was rubbish, but by the second one I knew what I was doing.  The kids were riveted!  A few even came up to thank me for such an interesting talk afterwards.  They had some great questions, and were so curious about the subject.  It's a shame it was only a 10 minute slot per class, because I think the questions could have gone on for a lot longer!  Who knows, maybe i've sparked the archaeological bug in one of them.

The below picture was all the money that I pulled out of our dish by the door during my spring clean.  The dish had all sorts of odds and ends in it, and keys that sort of thing.  This is how much change it had.  15 UK pounds; 18 Euros, and 5 other currencies (Mexican, South African, Swaziland, Polish, American).  I love that we have so much from our travels, and i'm thinking of some projects I could do with the coins and the notes for our house when we eventually move back to England.  Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. You could bath in that mug! Well done for completing the challenge in under an hour!
