Sunday 2 April 2017

Last Week of Term!

I can't quite believe that the Spring term is now over!  Two down, one to go until we move to Shanghai!!! So much has happened this term, it's gone both very slowly, and super fast.

The last week of term was nice.  On Tuesday, I went on the Reception trip to the forest nearby.  We went for a walk and looked at different types of trees.  There were these lovely boar babies, which were super cute, and some very friendly deer.  The kids loved it, but even I was exhausted after the walk.  The kids were absolutely shattered.  It was really quite a long way!

On Thursday, I went on the year 1 trip to Krefeld Farm, which was one of the nicest trips i've been on. The year group are delightful, and I was with another teacher that I get on really well with.  In the morning, we did a felting workshop, and all the kids got to make felt balls.  Then in the afternoon, we fed some of the animals - horses, sheep, goats, chickens, ducks, geese and cows.  The kids LOVED it!  Apart from the occasional one who had a hissy fit because they were frightened of sheep, or chickens. 
After feeding the animals, we got to turn cream into butter, and even try it on some bread!  Very cool.

Friday was a half day, and I had my appraisal in the morning.  My boss got a bit upset about me leaving, and was saying how much I would be missed, and how difficult I would be to replace, which was so nice to hear.  It made me sad about leaving all my lovely friends here in Germany.

Friday afternoon, we went to see the secondary school production of Little Shop of Horrors.  The school had hired a full set for 4000 euros, and it looked fantastic.  The show was seriously good, and i'm glad we went to see it.  We went for a pizza and some beers afterwards, then Matt came home and I went to a friends house for a girly evening.

Yesterday, Matt went out to watch the Duisburg football match, while I did some work on my TEFL course (Teach English as a Foreign Language).  Today, I went to watch Matt play in the TS Rahm football match, which was lovely.  They unfortunately lost, but it was great to see Matt involved in the match.

Tomorrow we are off to Mexico!  So excited!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your school outings sounded fun! We're the boar roaming free in the forest? Enjoy your holiday! Xx
