Saturday 25 March 2017

A Trip to England

I didn't post anything last weekend because I was back in England.  The week before I went home was good because I got to go on the Year 4 trip to the Curiosseum, which is a science museum in Cologne. I don't usually get to go on trips, but since 4 of my lessons on a Thursday are with year 4 anyway, I was allowed to go! Yay.  The museum was really good, and I had a lovely bunch of girls in my group.  The first thing we did was go into a live show on electricity.  It was meant to be in English, but the chap running it broke down on the motorway, so it was in German.  That was fine for most of the kids, but I didn't understand much - he spoke so quickly and I got a bit bored of trying to follow. The experiments he did with the kids were fun though - making their hair go static and getting them to power a lamp from cycling on a bike.  The kids loved it.  After the show, we got to look around the museum - it's set out in 4 huge rooms each themed loosely on an element. There are loads of interactive things to do in each room, and we pretty much had the place to ourselves.  Some groups had gone straight to this high ropes course bit, but that was all they had time for.  We definitely chose to do the best bit, even though my group were a bit disappointed that they didn't get to do the high ropes.

I was meant to go on a trip with year 2 the next day, but there were too many teachers off, so I got stuck covering in pre-nursery instead, which I hate.  Not the best day ever!

On Saturday I flew back to England (I got on the wrong train to the airport and very nearly missed my flight!).  I got back at about 4 o'clock.  It was lovely to be home.  On Sunday we went for an early mother's day afternoon tea at Moorhill House Hotel, where Matt and I got married.  The tea was delicious, and it was so nice to be back at the hotel.

Monday was Grandad's funeral, which was a sad day, but also a nice one.  It was lovely to see all of the family together, and great to share stories of Grandad and look through some old photos.  These were his beautiful flowers.

Monday was a tiring and emotional day, so it was nice to have an extra day at home to enjoy seeing Mum, Dad and Lola, and to go for a walk along the beautiful beach.

Lola looks quite windswept in this photo!  It was pretty cold despite the sunshine.

I flew home on Wednesday to Matt and had a very short, 2 day week at work.  It's really messed my days up, and I can't quite work out what day it is or what i'm meant to be doing.  I woke up really early today, thinking it was mid-week!  I'm glad it's the weekend, because I've come down with a chesty cough and ANOTHER cold.  I've had such bad luck with illness this year.  I've had 4 separate colds and the winter vomiting bug all since September.

We got our final injections for China on Friday morning, so that's all sorted now. We're slowly ticking things off the list.

1 comment:

  1. The afternoon tea was delicious and I know you and dad enjoy your presecco!
