Monday 6 March 2017

Back to School

Last week seemed to go on forever, as 4 days weeks do for some reason.  Monday was Karneval day, so Matt and I hibernated in the flat to avoid the drunken fancy dress people all over the streets.  We had the first of our injections for China, and I go back tomorrow for some more, before we both go for our final ones at the end of March. I hate injections, but I like going on holiday and travelling, so they are worth the few seconds of panic and discomfort.  I only hope I can find my way there on my own tomorrow, as my sense of direction is notoriously bad.

Matt had parent's evening on Thursday and has another one tomorrow, so he's busy and has had a tiring week.  I had book club on Thursday and it's my choice again, so i'm thinking on what to choose that our little group will enjoy.

Things for China are in full swing now that we are 6 months from leaving.  This is the month in which everything can start to happen, so we're busy getting various forms and notarisations, and legalisations done!

Matt played football for his team on Friday night, against the team just one above them in the league.  They won, and even better - Matt scored the winning goal, which is fabulous!  He was exhausted, but still played the match on Sunday.  Unfortunately they lost that one, but it was against the top of the league, so they didn't expect to win.  We had a lazy day on Saturday, going to the gym and watching TV.  On Sunday I went for lunch with my pal Jenna.  We hadn't been out for ages together, and ended up having a 6 and a half hour catch up!  It was a lovely day, despite the torrential rain.

The photos are of my latest plant - a mini daffodil, which is getting bigger by the second!  And my orchids are starting to bud again.  Yay!  It fills me with happiness seeing their perfect flowers start to come out.

1 comment:

  1. Your daffodils make me think of home, I've missed seeing ours out in the garden. Well done Matt for scoring the winning goal!
