Monday 27 February 2017


This week Grandad passed away after a long struggle with Dementia.  These are some of my favourite photos of him and the family.  I love how much Jack and Ollie have changed from the above photo to the one at our wedding.  7 years can change so much.

The first two photos were taken at Grandad's 80th birthday party.  The below photo really sums up some of my strongest memories of him from when I was very young.  We would give him a birthday or Christmas present and he would give it a squeeze, then set it down and ignore it for 20 minutes, then pick it up again and give it another squeeze.  This would go on for what felt like forever to me and Sam and would drive us absolutely nuts, which he definitely knew!  The look Nanny is giving him in the below photo is the same exasperated, 'will you just get on with it' face that I have pulled many-a-time!

I remember Mum once telling me that her friends were over on Grandad's birthday, which is the same day as the Queen's birthday.  The national anthem came on the TV and Grandad made Mum and her friends stand up and sing the national anthem for HIS birthday!  What a great sense of humor he had.  This still makes me laugh!

Our wedding was such a special day for Matt and I and we were so happy that Grandad, and all the family could be there for it.

Even though this is a sad time for us all, I do like to think that wherever Grandad is now, that he is at peace, with all his memories restored to him.  I know that his funeral will be a sad occasion, but I'm also looking forward to it; to being around the family again, and to sharing stories and looking at old photos and to giving him a great send off.

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