Sunday 12 February 2017

Snow in Duisburg

It's been quite a long week, but a good one too.  Nothing awful has happened at school, and people seem to have stopped whinging so much.  Everyone is ready for half term, and we only have one more week to go, which is good news.  Although I will finish my week with the carneval bowling trip for all of years 3, 4, 5 and 6, which is always manic!

I've managed to catch another cold, but instead of feeling sorry for myself I have spent the day spring cleaning (it's lovely and bright outside, and my pot of daffodils has got me in the spring mood).  I've started tidying bits up and throwing things away ready for when we have to pack up the entire flat to move house and country again. It's quite satisfying taking 4 bin bags of rubbish out!

On Friday night a small group of us went to Shanke for a few drinks.  It's been ages since we've been out, so it was nice to catch up with everyone and drink some rhubarber schnapps.  It snowed over night, so we went for a walk on Saturday morning to the local park.  The picture above is where Matt was meant to be playing football today.  The snow has all gone because it rained, but the rain left the pitch waterlogged, so no match today.  It's a shame, as I was going to watch some of the match, and take some sneaky photos. Instead, Matt went to watch Duisburg play football with our friend Markus.

Matt's Masters dissertation is in full swing, and due in in a couple of weeks, so we're both reading that through at the moment.  It's looking good.

We're off skiing next Saturday!  I'm really looking forward to it.  I may not be able to post anything next week because we're away, but tune in on Wednesday for some photos (of Matt falling over!)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you've started the clear out, those five months will fly by! Seeing all your snow makes me feel rather warm here in Portugal despite the rain!😬
