Sunday 21 May 2017

Duisburg Vs Zwickau

Matt went to his last ever Duisburg match yesterday; a home game against Zwickau (whoever they are).  Duisburg won 3-0 which was a good way to end the season, winning the league!  They will now move up into league 2.

Matt had fun at the football, but was back quite early, because he had his last ever match today playing for his team.  That's where he is at the moment, and when he gets back he will be pretty much straight off to catch a train to Frankfurt, where he will board a plane to Shanghai. He will be back next Friday night, and has a good itinerary of exciting things to do with the school.  He is even going to a football match with some new colleagues, so i'm sure he will have a great time.  I wish I was going with him to get a feel for the city, but it will just have to be a surprise for me in July.

I had a Skype job interview on Friday morning, for the EAL (English as an Additional Language) department for years 3-6.  It's not what I had in mind for a job, but I think I would be really good at it, and it would be great to be working and able to meet some new people.  The interview went well, but the school doesn't know if there will definitely be a job, so I will just have to wait and see.

My week has been very busy, with lots of people off sick in Foundation Stage, meaning that I have had to go into pre-nursery a few times, which i'm not a big fan of.  I'm in there because someone is sick, which they have caught from the kids, so I always feel a bit unwell after time in the little Dragons.  Today is no different.  I will be in there next week too, as two members of the 4 staff down there have been signed off.  It's only a 3 day week next week at least and then it's half term! Yay!  Charlee and Louise are coming next Saturday and we have a lovely spa weekend planned.  Then the chap who wants to take over our flat is visiting, and then Matt's parents and brother are coming for the rest of the week.  So, we're going to be very busy indeed.

I've had a pottering type of weekend.  I went to the pub with some friends on Friday after school for a catch up on how the year 6 residential was (they got back on Friday).  It sounds like it was a lot of hard work, and i'm glad I didn't have to go this year.

Yesterday, I went into Duisburg for a wander around the shops.  I also went for ice cream with a couple of pals.  Today has just been tidying, cleaning, going to the gym, doing some TEFL work.  The usual really.  Very productive.

I've added the photos from Matt's football match last week so make sure you have a look at him storming the pitch!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing about matts trip and seeing some photos! Hope you enjoyed your spa day with the girls?
