Sunday 14 May 2017

Duisburg MSV Vs Koln

All of the photos from this weekend are on Matt's phone, so i'll get them as soon as i can.  He had a great Saturday, going to his first away football match in Germany, to watch Duisburg play Cologne.  The match was great apparently.  Duisburg won 3-0 and so got promoted into league 2.  The fans stormed the pitch and Matt game home with some grass from the pitch in his wallet (and rather sunburned too)!  He's got some good photos, so i'll share them when I can get his phone.

I had a nice Saturday too.  I had plans to go out Saturday evening in Dusseldorf, and had said no to lunch in Duisburg with other friends in case the two overlapped, but after not hearing anything from the rather flaky friend I was going to meet, I decided to go for lunch in Duisburg anyway, and would head to Dusseldorf if I heard from Jenna.  I did, but not until 9.30pm, saying, i'm heading into town.  Well, I was already tucked up watching the Eurovision song contest by then, so I didn't go out.  I'm glad I went for lunch though.  Would have been very annoyed if I'd missed out on both!  Lunch was lovely.  We went to Boleros in the harbour in Duisburg.  It was lovely and sunny and warm, so we sat outside and had a few cocktails.  A very pleasant afternoon.

It's been a good week.  I've booked a weekend away with 4 friends to Zurich for the end of June,so i'm really looking forward to that.  It's with Al and Maev, my two best friends from school who left at the end of last year, and Shannon and Sean, my two current closest friends at school.  I'll get to see Uncle Chris while i'm in Zurich too, which will be great.

I've managed to get through another module of my TEFL course.  I'm way ahead of where I needed to be, and am starting to enjoy it a bit more now that i'm no longer learning about grammar.  I've also been working on getting my Faye's Photos website sorted, and have hired someone to design a logo for me, which is very exciting. I'm hoping to receive it tomorrow.  Super excited.

School is busy, but good at the moment.  Year 6 are off on their residential tomorrow for the week, and i'm thrilled to not be going with them!  I get a couple of extra frees from the lesson that I should have been in with year 6, so I can work on the yearbook and get all my admin done.  I covered an art class on Friday where they were doing paper mache.  It's great fun when it's not your own classroom that's getting trashed!  I get to cover them again tomorrow, when they will be finishing off their Aztec masks, so that should be fun.

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