Sunday 15 January 2017

Wedding Photos

The snow has finally arrived in Duisburg!  It's been forecast all week, but has only been in a few areas.  The sun is shining now, so it's pretty much all gone!

It's been an interesting week.  It was our first week back to school after the Christmas holidays, and it seems to have lasted a really long time.  I feel like I have been back at school for weeks already.
On Monday evening  I came down with the winter vomiting bug, so I was ill all night, and had Tuesday off school.  I was mortified to be phoning in sick on the second day back.  It meant that I went back to school on Wednesday, probably not quite ready to go back, but i've made it through the week now so I've had a relaxing weekend.  Yesterday I went for lunch with some friends, which was lovely.  It was nice to have a proper catch up with everyone.

Today, I'm not planning on doing much, just getting ready for the year 5 ski trip residential next week, and doing some more of my Jolly Phonics course - which is extremely boring!

The photos from the wedding have gone to the bride now, so here are a few of my favourites...

1 comment:

  1. Love pictures, I hope the bride and groom are pleased with them!
