Monday 9 January 2017

Photos of Friends

I do have lots (hundreds in fact) of photos from last week to post, however they are of the wedding I photographed and are not yet ready to be seen, so in the meantime you will have to make do with some photos taken when Al was visiting before Christmas.  Good times with good friends!

Last week was good fun.  I was at Mum and Dads for a few days and Matt was with his parents.  It was very chilled out - we did some sales shopping, went for coffee and watched TV.  Just how I wanted to finish my holiday!

We came back to Germany on Wednesday and it was really nice to have a few days to ourselves pottering about and starting our diets and fitness regimes.  I'm currently in quite a lot of muscle pain due to the gym, but I guess that means it's working!

It was our first day back to work today and it was an INSET day, so no children in until tomorrow.  It was nice catching up with everyone, but I am impatient for the week to end - Matt has a job fair this weekend in London, and i'm anxious to know where we will be moving to at the end of the year.  Watch this space!

Yes, this is indeed a deep fried wheel of cheese!!!

1 comment:

  1. I can feel my arteries clogging up just looking at that cheese! But it does look good.
