Sunday 22 January 2017

Ski Trip

What a busy week it has been once again.  To start the week off, Matt got a new job for next year. In Shanghai!  So we're very excited about moving in August.  It's been fun telling everyone, and seeing their reactions.  We've started planning what we want to do while we're out there already.  My guidebook arrives next week.  Can't wait to get stuck into planning.

On Wednesday I went off to Willingen for the Year 5 residential.  The skiing was great.  I even went down the big slope several times - something I was too scared to do last year.  I'm getting much better at skiing, and am really looking forward to going next month with friends instead of children!
We had to call an ambulance on the first night because on of the boys fell down some stairs and cracked his head open.  He's fine, but it was obviously rather stressful, especially with me being the medical officer.  But no ski related injuries, and the kids really enjoyed themselves.  One of the girls picked up a stinking cold on the second day, which I've managed to catch, so I've spent the weekend so far sleeping and feeling sorry for myself.  I can't believe i'm sick AGAIN!  This is the fourth time since September. 3 colds and a winter vomiting bug.  I'm not having much luck!

To cheer ourselves up we decided to crack open the holiday pig (our moneybox full of tutoring money and every 5 euro note we get).  We had nearly 2 grand in it!  So we've booked 2 weeks in Mexico for Easter.  I can't wait for some sun!

Matt is at a football tournament all day today, so i'm just pottering around, and beginning to feel a bit better.

1 comment:

  1. All that crispy white snow, blue skies and sunshine looks amazing! As do you in your ski suit 😬
