Sunday 29 January 2017

Family Photos

These are a few snaps of the family from the wedding I photographed last month.  I forgot that I hadn't put any family photos up yet!

This week, I was ill (again, or still, rather).  My cold became a chest infection and i've got a nasty cough.  I was off on Monday, but decided to go in for the rest of the week, since the cough is only bad in the mornings and evenings.  While i'm at school it's fine.
Matt has just started coughing, so I guess we're in for another week of it.  He has had a busy week, but has now signed his contract with our new school in Shanghai, which is exciting.  I've been reading our guidebook from start to finish and am looking forward to all the things we will get to do.  It will feel like we're on holiday for 3 years hopefully!  We're currently investigating vaccinations and trying to get a start on sorting out our belongings here in Germany. 

Matt's pal Chris was here this weekend. All the boys seem to have done is go to football matches, but they seem happy!  They went for lunch and beer on the Rhine in Dusseldorf yesterday, and I haven't really seen much of them.  I've been having a lazy weekend, trying to get better for Monday.  I may go to the doctors tomorrow for some antibiotics, but will still go into school I think.

Chris left just after 11 today, so Matt and I have just had a lazy day.  I finished my Jolly Phonics online course that school put me on.  It's been terribly dull, but it looks good on my CV at least.

We're now over half way through the school year!

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