Sunday 6 March 2016

Essen Illuminations

This week has been so slow!  Time is moving slowly because we now have less than 2 weeks until we go to America.  I can't wait to go!  Hence the slow moving time.
Yesterday evening Matt and I decided to go to Essen to see the illuminations.  The Grugapark in Essen has lots of art installations and lights set up throughout February and March.  Not sure what it's in aid of, but it's really cool!  The Christmas market in Essen was still up and running, so we stopped there for some food first (top 2 photos), then headed to the park, which was 6 euros to get in.  The park is gigantic, and we only saw about half of it in the hour and a half we were wandering around.  We, of course, stopped for cake and a glass of wine too!
It was nice to do something a bit different for an evening.  Today will just be chilling out.

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like a lot of fun! Shame it will have finished when we come out in April.xx
