Saturday 27 February 2016

Book Week

This week was very busy at school, because it was book week!  I love book week because there are always lots of reading themed activities going on.  This year, children's author Robin Price came in to do some workshops, which was great.  The kids loved it.  The theme this year was adventure stories, and the week is always rounded up with a fancy dress day.  As you can see from the photo above, I went as Toothless the Dragon from 'How to Train Your Dragon', a fantastic children's book (and film).  Sean was Hiccup, my dragon rider, complete with proper chain mail, shoulder armor and shield (no idea how he wore that for the entire day) and sheep (dragons like to eat sheep in the book).
You can't see my tail in the picture, but I assure you it was just as fabulous as the rest of my outfit!  I kept taking kids out with my wings down the corridor, which is always fun.

Book week is always busy for TAs, because there is constantly things going on to take photos of, so I'm glad the week is done!
Matt went to England last night, for today's rugby match at Twickenham.  He is having a lovely time at home, and i'm enjoying having the flat to myself.  I went to a sleepover at a friends last night, and had a lovely time drinking wine and chatting.  The rest of the weekend will be filled with watching TV and not doing much else.  21 days until America!!!


  1. Nice outfit! (I hope no sheep were harmed in the making of your costume?) 😁

    1. the kids kept drawing lipstick on the poor sheep. I think he was a bit traumatised!
