Sunday 21 February 2016

Surprise Engagement Party

This week has been somewhat stressful.  The first week back after a holiday is always hard work, but this week I just seemed to be rushed of my feet constantly.  Some big-wigs for the school are coming in next week, so all the new display boards (8 of them) needed to be completely re-done with new displays, and we (me and the other TA) have 9 days in which to do it.  That may sound like a lot, but we're in our normal classes too, so its just getting done during our frees, of which there are not many, and at lunch and after school.  The displays are quite complicated because we want them to look fantastic, which meant lots of work.  We managed to get 4 completely finished last week, and there are two that are basically ready to go up tomorrow morning, so we've not done badly at all.  I'll take some pictures of them because they look great!

The other stressful thing this week was that yesterday was the surprise engagement party that Matt, myself and two other colleagues threw for a couple at work who got engaged over Christmas.  There were several occasssions this week when we were sure they were onto us, but we managed to get them there completely unaware!  The night was a huge success, and everyone had a really great time.  I was so nervous that when I had finally calmed down (after the couple had been there for at least half an hour!) I decided to break my dry spell since New Years Eve, and have a glass (or 5) of wine.  Wine has never tasted so good!  I managed to get some good photos too, despite the bad lighting, by playing around with a few settings on my camera.  The ones of when they first came in were a bit blurry because I was shaking so much!

This week, we also had our lovely friend Andy here.  He worked at the school last year, but went back to Newcastle this year.  He was on half term, so came to stay with us for a few days.  It was great to see him, and such good timing that it coincided with the party.  A really good weekend all round.

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